When my mom started breeding Arabian horses in 1970, there was a different atmosphere in the industry. Breeders traveled to each other’s farms to see the horses, to brainstorm and to learn. Often these visits involved many hours of passionate discourse giving people a way to share knowledge and ideas.

The internet has taken this organic way of learning away from us. With the swipe of a finger or a click of a mouse, we can conveniently see potential breeding stallions and their foal crops, while rarely actually traveling to see the horses in person.

But it is not the same to evaluate a horse on a computer screen as it is to see it in the flesh. It is also not the same thing to learn by reading websites and articles as it is to talk to other breeders… in person. And I'm absolutely certain that so many older breeders reading this right now are nodding their head in agreement. It's a key component to the art of breeding horses that I'm afraid is almost nearly lost.

I am very convicted about this topic. I believe it is key to the future of our industry.

They say that history guides us… I want to bring this concept back to the forefront through The Breeding Clinic. The weekend will be filled with information on the “how to’s” of breeding by Cindy Reich coupled with a talk of breeding philosophies with Doug Dahmen and myself. I’m expecting that as a group we will all learn from one another – myself included – as we discuss and share our knowledge of the Arabian horse.

I’m passionate about arming and educating breeders and owners – both old and new, beginners and advanced – in ways that encourage, stimulate and inspire us for the future of the Arabian horse. It is vital, yes. But even more than that, it brings us together and unites us in ways that no show ring ever could.

I hope you’ll join us in the discussion.
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