(*Carmargue x *Estopa) 
August 17, 1989 - February 27, 2016

We said good bye to our last *Estopa daughter this past Saturday. It has taken a few days for us to come to terms with Shaina's passing. We've had time to reflect on her amazing life and on the legacy that she leaves behind, not just at Om El Arab, but around the world. She had 16 foals in her long life, four daughters remain on the farm with us and her son Om El Shahmaan.

After she passed on to greener pastures our family spent some time talking about Shaina and about the terrible loss we felt. At first we said that it's the worst part of breeding horses, but then we realized that in actuality there's a beauty in birthing a foal, and watching that foal grow into the mare that Shaina became, enjoying with wonder the impact that she has had, and then holding her while she breathed her last breath. Shaina lived a rich life, surrounded by her family for 27 years, and we are so happy to have been able to be there for every moment of it.

Rest in peace sweet, strong girl.
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